TeeVee Snacks, Krispy Kreme Kookies & Kreme

We will close the Krispy Kreme saga not with a bang, but with a whimper.


These are also the only biscuit in the set that don’t look like they do on the box - the white icing is more of a drab grey in real life, which is perhaps a little less appealing from an aesthetic standpoint.

Arnott’s teeVee Snacks Biscuits Kookies & Kreme was inspired by Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.


Regardless, let’s get to the real meat-and-potatoes of this review. Taste-wise, these are easy enough to sum up in a single word: cocoa. That makes up the bickie base here, in a fairly similar way to the Monte Carlo Black Forest we looked at a while ago. Sure, there’s the white chocolate and sprinkles on top, but their noble contributions are felt more in the texture than the flavour. Don’t get me wrong, that’s still important and noticable, but I find myself wishing that the cocoa was just a little more subdued to let the other flavours shine through.

Overall, I like these, but they sit in the middle of the road for the Krispy Kreme collaboration. If you like choccy bickies, you’ll love these - short and simple. Regardless, they’re worth at least one pickup for the novelty factor alone.