TeeVee Snacks, Krispy Kreme Caramel Delight

Moving swiftly on from the offensive Strawberry flavour to this subtle choice.

Continuing the run of donut reviews, next up is a much more pleasant option.


These caramel snacks are delicious. They’re sweet without being overpowering, and they don’t slap you in the face with flavour like the Strawberry’s did previously. In that regard, they’re closer to the Original Glazed cinnamon-y option I liked more.

Arnott’s teeVee Snacks Biscuits Caramel Delight was inspired by Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.

While they can’t touch the others in aesthetics, nothing has beat these so far in taste. Now, let’s not go too crazy; I’m not ready to let a donut product tie-in that smells like a bit of a cash-grab top the coveted biscuit list. Within their fiefdom, within their niche, however, so far the Caramels are the top contender. Let’s see where the Cookies & Cream or Choc Iced will end up landing.