News to me that Arnott’s has a ‘farmbake’ sub-brand – this review series will truly never run out of content.
In fact, there are more Farmbake products seemingly only available in New Zealand, like Crunchy Oat & Fruit or Peanut Brownie. Anyone willing to import for me?
In doing my usual weekly shop - ironically, buying ingredients to bake my own choc-chip cookies - I stumbled upon an aisle-end, marked-down collection of these cookie boxes. I suspect you are now thinking precisely what I was in that moment: “Wait, Arnott’s makes those sort of cheap-but-delicious cookie boxes?” Well, yes (in fact, you’re reading this page; you probably could have answered that rhetorical yourself).
Rustic, indulgent and delicious biting into our cookies is a heavenly experience. We take the finest quality ingredients and golden bake them using traditional homestyle recipes.
This category of product is actually very well established. You might familar with the Colesworth bottom-of-the-barrel version of these; I certainly am.
So the question is: how does Arnott’s take compare? Well, in all honestly, there’s little difference, at least in taste. Unlike my Gaiety review in which there was a bump up in quality, I suspect if you did a side-by-side between the $0.99 bag and these, the only notable differentiatior would be how strangely powdery the cheaper ones can be. Taste-wise, these are basically identical.
However, that’s not to say these are bad, because quite frankly, those bottom-shelf bags absolutely slap. They’re not going to compete with homemade, but they have a certain nostalgia that keeps me coming back every now and then.