
You know those biscuits that came in the old tins that your nan would eventually use for storing sewing needles?


Yeah, this is basically one of those.

To start with, appearance-wise, these are quite lovely and quaint. A remarkably thin yet dense biscuit, they have a diamond pattern with a wavey stripe and the bickie’s name blazoned on the front. It reminds me of the first review, the Custard Cream, which also had an intricate scrollwork embossed on its crust.

Arnott’s original Malt biscuit with no artificial flavours or preservatives.


As you’d expect, the ingredients for this one are: malt and milk! There were quite straight forward in the olden days, weren’t they? The relative simplicity from the rest of the construction helps to let the malted flavour shine through. It’s a little bit harsh, a little spiced; similar in a way to a ginger snap, but far toned down. Overall, I do like it. It’s the sort of thing I’d reach for out of the tin to dunk in a cuppa on a Sunday afternoon, and I certainly enjoy objects that can conjure such a serene daydream.