Chocolate Teddy Bear

Simplicity can be bliss.


In all honesty, I was fairly sure that I had already written one of these for the Teddy Bear varieties – because how could I not? They are perhaps just as iconic as the ‘staple’ chocolate choices of the Mint Slice, Tim Tam, even the Wagon Wheel (which must be on the list!), but I suspect are not as popular a purchase, and I think I know why.

Arnott’s Chocolate Teddy Bears are a family favourite! Coated in Arnott’s real chocolate, you will enjoy every bite.


I say simplicity because there isn’t a lot to this thing. It’s a plain wheaty biscuit – which is, of course, kind of Arnott’s thing – coated in a simple milk chocolate. Fundamentally, it’s pretty similar to the Monte (non-Carlo), with milk chocolate replacing the dark. Flavour-wise, this is not going to blow anyone away.

What the Teddy Bears do have going for them is the design. Like the Tic Toc or hundres and thousands before it, it’s kid-friendly. But here is my question: beyond nostalgia, what reason do you have to choose these? I can’t think of many. Sure, it’s a nice biscuit, but it’s also… unremarkable. It’s not a coffee-dunker, it’s not a flavourful cream, nor a textural phenomenon like a Anzac; and where does that leave you? With a perfectly delicious and memorable biscuit, that just can’t compete on the supermarket shelf.