Butternut Snap Cookie

Nothing can top the crunch factor on this bad boy.


In fact, I would almost argue that this biscuit can lean into being too crunchy sometimes. Frankly, it’s a little too much for me, but that is not a nock against the young Butternut - it’s raison d’ĂȘtre is instead as the humble cuppa companion.

Arnott’s Butternut Snap is an Arnott’s icon, made with delcious oats and baked for the perfect crunch!


Because when you pair this with your favourite tea, it is beautiful. The normally slightly harsh oat-and-syrup flavour fades into a lovely blend, and that signature crunch disappears into a malleable delight.

Now, I do take issue with the fact that this is advertised blatently on the packaging as a cookie. I don’t know about you, but what is effectively a national-favourite Anzac Biscuit should not be taking a dirty Yankee cookie for its namesake.

Regardless, naming issues aside, let me set the scene: it’s a Sunday morning. You grab your current paperback, flip the kettle on, and rustle around for a biscuit to suit. You would be hard pressed to find a better choice than the Butternut for its niche.