Arno Shortbread

The little-known sibling of the Scotch Finger rock-star. How does it stack up?


Despite the seemingly redundant state of this biscuit’s existence, it is markedly different from its more popular counterpart. You would not suspect this from the ingredients list: between the two, the Arno’s ‘natural flavours’ are the only different item. The difference, therefore, is not in constitution, but proportion.

Perfectly sweet and buttery shortbread is one of life’s simple pleasures. Our original Arno Shortbread is made the good old-fashioned way, with the finest quality ingredients, traditional recipes and no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Simply delicious!


This manifests most prominently in the key feature of shortbread; that is, it’s shortness. The Arno is notably crumblier than the Scotch Finger, and it tastes sweeter, too. I would suspect, based on the description above and these qualities, that this is a consequence of higher butter, which causes the distinct texture of shortbread.

So… is it good? That’s what we’re here to find out, isn’t it?

Well, yes. It’s a pleasant, moreish biscuit, which is understated unjustly. While I haven’t actually reviewed the Scotch Finger yet at the time of writing (only its strange Chocolate Chip variety), I would have to say this takes the cake bickie between the two. It may be middle-of-the-road overall, but that’s only due to fierce competition - the Arno is a respectable biscuit in its own right.